Emacs Muse (1)


"Emacs Muse" is a publishing environment for Emacs, and I thought that I could replace personal wiki pages.

I've used PukiWiki, one of the good solutions to manage personal memo and bookmarks. However, wiki clones such as PukiWiki require a web server such as apache. The maintainance of web servers costs; the web servers should be installed in the all computers which I want to use the PukiWiki, furthermore security patches should be applied immediately.

The Emacs Muse does not suffer from the web server-related troublesome problems.
Today I've got the code, and began to use the Emacs Muse. My first impression is good; some further trials are needed, but I think the combination of the Emacs Muse and some web-based bookmark service can substitute the combination of PukiWiki and Apache.



Emacs Muse という、Emacs用のpublishingシステムがある。これで個人的に使っているwikiを代替できるかも、と思った。


Emacs Museの場合はそんな心配はない。今日試してみたところでは、なかなかいい感じだった。いくつか試した方がいいことはあるが、Emacs Museはてなブックマークを組み合わせれば、PukiWiki+Apacheの環境を代替できそう。